Tuesday, December 19, 2006

XP Process list

NAVAPSVC.EXE what does this mean?

Where to go to learn about the process list
Blue Screen of Death. Windows users know this term all too well. Unfortunately, a lot of information about windows internal processes are difficult to come by. Errors begin to creep up the longer you use a windows platform PC. Windows XP has one nice feature for monitoring system resources that can come in mighty handy, as long as you know how to use it and decipher the information.

Pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL pulls up the Windows Task Manager which monitors all of the important systems and resources XP is uses. Under the Processes tab a list of services running shows along with the amount of resources a particular program is using. The problem is the information is rather cryptic. It’s tough to know which of these running are valid programs or even important.


There is no intuitive guesswork involved with these, no way to tell if they are supposed to be running or not. Six months from now when I have a issue I’ll never be able to tell the useful systems running versus the ones causing my problems.

A compiled list of processes, what they do, if they are necessary and how to remove them can be found at http://www.answersthatwork.com/Tasklist_pages/tasklist.htm . Look up a particular process to determine if it should be shut down or if it may be potentially harmful.

Right out of the box, the Sony Vaio TRV3 had 43 processes running. This website was able to identify 41 of the listings. I crossed checked these with two other sources and found the same information, so I feel confident in recommend this website for its informational content.

Learning more about how your PC operates is one important way to maintain its health. Maintenance is important with PC’s just as it is with your car, don’t wait until it won’t start before you open the hood and check things out.

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