Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Signing up for service. Companies such as Comcast, Dish Network and Direct TV want business but customer service seems to be lacking. A recent experience trying to upgrade to Dish Networks HD service inspired me to test out service across the board for HD service on both satellite and cable. For those with standard households with only 1 or 2 TV’s there isn’t too much complication. In those instances, the reps did an adequate job. When faced with a multi-room television household there were plenty of snags. The trouble comes in having a DVR or Tivo working with standard and HD TV’s. Finding the correct configuration for the house without breaking the bank was nearly impossible. My guess is because the sales department reps aren’t as knowledgeable about the different set-ups. They know if you upgrade to HD you need an HD receiver, having a combination of sets throws them into a tailspin. The only advice I can give is to do research so you know enough to make your own decisions, or call and speak with a number of different customer service agents to ensure you’re getting the best information.