Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Xbox 360 Wireless Controller

With a search of major online and brick and mortar stores the two lowest prices come from and With a low shipping price from the total comes to 44.35 while is 39.99 with free shipping. Both are good deals. Pick them up before the sale is over.

If you own a 360, the wireless controller is the only way to go. Far superior to any branded or off brand Xbox controller of the past, the official Microsoft wireless controller is an all around great product. Simple to use, the 360 has built in controls for up to four wireless controllers. They have no signal issues and connect quickly. The crew from Redmond also allowed the controllers to shut down and power up the console. A much-needed upgrade from the original Xbox.

Sound like I’m a fan.

That’s because I am.

After years of testing nearly every controller on the market for the Xbox it’s nice to see Microsoft finally making a good controller. It's standard $49.99 price tag isn't bad for a good controller unless you’re trying to buy enough for your friends to play as well. If you can't find a deal it makes playing with your friends a couple hundred dollar proposition.

Still by purchasing the additional plug and play rechargeable battery solution, it’ll pay for itself in under 5 years. Just in time for the nex-next generation consoles to hit the market.

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