Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Can the Zune break out?

No matter how much reviewers can hurt a product with negative reviews they don’t seem to be able to do much with positive reviews for products consumers just aren’t excited. The Zune is the latest entry into the elusive iPod killer category every company has been searching since Apple announced the first generation iPod in 2001. Most reviews have been positive and have declared it the best bet to be an iPod killer. However, adoption of the new device has been less than stellar, as consumers just aren’t buying what Microsoft has to sell. This battle may not be decided for some time as Microsoft is using the same five-year plan Sony has stuck by for it’s less than tech devices. According the Microsoft, they will stick by the Zune no matter what for the next 60 months in order to give it time to develop as a multi-generation music player. While I agree it will take some time for these two to battle it out, unless sales increase it won’t matter how much support Microsoft throws behind the Zune.

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