Friday, December 29, 2006

DOA Playstation 3 games

Only little more than a month old and the Playstation 3 already has amassed a list of canceled games. To be fair many of these titles were moved to the Playstation 2 or picked up by the PC and Xbox 360. A trend for many of the supposed exclusive titles for the Playstation 3 where developers have turned to the Xbox 360 exclusively or released for both systems. While this may be good for console owners, it isn’t great for Sony to lose many of their exclusive title-further giving shoppers less reason to pick up the Playstation 3.

Fear & Respect- also canceled for the Xbox 360

WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007


Endless Saga

Killing Day


Condemned: Criminal Origins

Dark RPG

Black Blade

Splinter Cell: Double Agent

It’s not unheard of for a platform to cancel games. Every console has had its fair share of canceled games-however to have as many games canceled only 45 days after the hardware release is not a winning business strategy. To date the Xbox 360 has only had games canceled that were being canceled across the board and not only particular to a single console. While never good to have a game canceled it is even doubly bad if it is an exclusive title working to push the brand forward.

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