Thursday, December 28, 2006

Vaporware 2006

No list of vaporware can be complete with out the granddaddy of them all, Duke Nukem Forever. Now a decade late this long promised in development game is an ongoing joke to everyone but long time fans who may be gumming their food before this title ever hits their next-generation virtual reality couches. Developers still claim it is still a serious title and has not been canceled. The rest of the world has nearly given up on this fantasy. Now we know Duke Nukem Forever referred to how long it would take to release this game. Forever indeed.

Other vaporific technology includes.

--The ever-illusive iPod killer. Since the dawn of the iPod claimers to the throne have come to unseat the mega popular music device to no avail. This year Microsoft boasted the strongest contender, heralded by reviewers and Monopolistic Megalithic Computer Corporation. Unfortunately, the buying public has been remarkably indifferent to the DRM challenged device.

Undoubtedly, the iPod will one day be unseated from its place of power but hopes of this happening in 2006 have vaporized.

-Optimus-103 keyboard. CES and the now toned down E3 have been favorites for technology companies to exaggerate upcoming hardware and software. Notorious for showing off the newest devices that have yet to make it past the design station mockups and advertising pictures are many times the only tangible evidence a given technology is anything more than fantasy on the part of designers and CEO’s looking at a lack of press. This is a long way of explaining many of the vaporware items and most particularly the exciting Optimus Keyboard. This ultimate in configurable input devices with a small screen and a host of features has been delayed nearly since its announcement. Now slated for a 2007 launch though with severely toned down features.

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