Friday, December 29, 2006

DOA Playstation 3 games

Only little more than a month old and the Playstation 3 already has amassed a list of canceled games. To be fair many of these titles were moved to the Playstation 2 or picked up by the PC and Xbox 360. A trend for many of the supposed exclusive titles for the Playstation 3 where developers have turned to the Xbox 360 exclusively or released for both systems. While this may be good for console owners, it isn’t great for Sony to lose many of their exclusive title-further giving shoppers less reason to pick up the Playstation 3.

Fear & Respect- also canceled for the Xbox 360

WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007


Endless Saga

Killing Day


Condemned: Criminal Origins

Dark RPG

Black Blade

Splinter Cell: Double Agent

It’s not unheard of for a platform to cancel games. Every console has had its fair share of canceled games-however to have as many games canceled only 45 days after the hardware release is not a winning business strategy. To date the Xbox 360 has only had games canceled that were being canceled across the board and not only particular to a single console. While never good to have a game canceled it is even doubly bad if it is an exclusive title working to push the brand forward.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Vaporware 2006

No list of vaporware can be complete with out the granddaddy of them all, Duke Nukem Forever. Now a decade late this long promised in development game is an ongoing joke to everyone but long time fans who may be gumming their food before this title ever hits their next-generation virtual reality couches. Developers still claim it is still a serious title and has not been canceled. The rest of the world has nearly given up on this fantasy. Now we know Duke Nukem Forever referred to how long it would take to release this game. Forever indeed.

Other vaporific technology includes.

--The ever-illusive iPod killer. Since the dawn of the iPod claimers to the throne have come to unseat the mega popular music device to no avail. This year Microsoft boasted the strongest contender, heralded by reviewers and Monopolistic Megalithic Computer Corporation. Unfortunately, the buying public has been remarkably indifferent to the DRM challenged device.

Undoubtedly, the iPod will one day be unseated from its place of power but hopes of this happening in 2006 have vaporized.

-Optimus-103 keyboard. CES and the now toned down E3 have been favorites for technology companies to exaggerate upcoming hardware and software. Notorious for showing off the newest devices that have yet to make it past the design station mockups and advertising pictures are many times the only tangible evidence a given technology is anything more than fantasy on the part of designers and CEO’s looking at a lack of press. This is a long way of explaining many of the vaporware items and most particularly the exciting Optimus Keyboard. This ultimate in configurable input devices with a small screen and a host of features has been delayed nearly since its announcement. Now slated for a 2007 launch though with severely toned down features.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Xbox 360 Wireless Controller

With a search of major online and brick and mortar stores the two lowest prices come from and With a low shipping price from the total comes to 44.35 while is 39.99 with free shipping. Both are good deals. Pick them up before the sale is over.

If you own a 360, the wireless controller is the only way to go. Far superior to any branded or off brand Xbox controller of the past, the official Microsoft wireless controller is an all around great product. Simple to use, the 360 has built in controls for up to four wireless controllers. They have no signal issues and connect quickly. The crew from Redmond also allowed the controllers to shut down and power up the console. A much-needed upgrade from the original Xbox.

Sound like I’m a fan.

That’s because I am.

After years of testing nearly every controller on the market for the Xbox it’s nice to see Microsoft finally making a good controller. It's standard $49.99 price tag isn't bad for a good controller unless you’re trying to buy enough for your friends to play as well. If you can't find a deal it makes playing with your friends a couple hundred dollar proposition.

Still by purchasing the additional plug and play rechargeable battery solution, it’ll pay for itself in under 5 years. Just in time for the nex-next generation consoles to hit the market.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve

Time is running out for those still looking for last minute Christmas gifts. For the rest of us, enjoy the evening, have some egg nog, turn on some holiday mp3s, and watch a Christmas Story on your new HDTV. Around here we'll be playing a lot of Gears of War and WOW while waiting for Santa to arrive with our stockings full of coal.
We will return to business after Christmas, December 27th. Until then have a Merry Holiday.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Computer Quotes gathered on the Net

Computer Problems. Arg. Even for a technology writer and experienced computer user like myself, I still have my fair share of computer related SNAFU’s. On this occasion, it is my laptop giving me a pain in my RAM. Inconveniently it periodically freezes up and won’t respond no CTRL-ALT-DELETE, no restart, no slam it into the wall; nothing will alter its self-imposed coma. Eventually it will shut down and restart when it is good and ready. At crucial moments, usually after writing a prize-winning piece of writing, it flashes the BIOS screen and starts a core memory dump. (If you don’t speak computer gibberish its okay, needless to say this is as bad as it sounds.)

Having had enough with this wonderful piece of technology I took it in for servicing at the store where it was purchased. This is the second time it has been in the shop in the last couple of months. The first time was for the exact same problem. Whoops, I guess they didn’t fix the problem, did they? In the next couple of weeks, they will contact me with either the problem solved or a new computer. If my vote counts then this particular laptop won’t be returning. However, I’m not sure the technician on the other side of the counter really cared that much what my opinion was on the subject. The decision seems to be left to the powers that be at the corporate level, and then only once the off-site techs have a chance to tinker with it. If they have as much fun with it as I’ve been having over the last couple of months there is no doubt in my mind they will promptly decide to send me a new laptop. A check compensating me for the emotional distress of dealing with this hell bent sadomasochistic hunk of junk wouldn’t be too out of line either.

Friday, December 22, 2006 - The Super IQ Test

Have a little time on your hands? Your wife, girlfriend, friend, father, mother, husband call you stupid recently? You know you're smarter than you sound, but how do you prove your mental strength? has the answer. The IQ test. Tap your intellectual strengths; get a personalized report detailing the inner workings of your mind and a fancy score to boot.

Seriously, this is a great little tool for gauging where you sit on the ladder of human intelligence. PhD's around the world have placed a great deal of stock in the validity of an IQ test. You've met these people at cocktail parties smoothly dropping their IQ score into polite dinner conversation. Now, you too can join the crowd. Or at least learn to avoid the subject all together.

Now, without getting into scores, I'll say I took this test recently and had fun. A few pointers before you sit down to do this exercise. Turn off the TV, put the kids to bed, and don't take it too seriously. The test is straightforward enough. Answer the questions get a score permanently placing you into an intellectual box you'll be straining to get out of for the rest of your life. Argg. No, really, as I said, this is for fun. Take the test. You may just learn something about yourself. Just don't talk about your score at any cocktail parties or I'll have to visit your house with a baseball bat.

(Author's disclaimer: All references to violence and/or physical harm of any kind should be taken in context and not as a factual representation of future acts. Take it from experience, if he plans to clobber the garden gnomes perched on your front porch, you'll never see him coming.)

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Five Free Must Have Programs

Spybot Search and Destroy

This is the premier free spyware scanner, tracker and removal utility. Combine it with Adaware
For an added level of protection from protection from known Data-mining, aggressive advertising, Parasites, Scumware, selected traditional Trojans, Dialers, Malware, Browser hijackers, and tracking components.

The most important aspect of any security utility is to remember to update the program regularly. New improvements to their malicious and annoying programs make updates an absolute must if you want to keep out all these pesky invaders to your computing tranquility.

Google Toolbar

For the popup blocker alone this useful tool is the only toolbar you should allow on your browser.

Firefox browser

Tired of popups, popunders, and every other popannoying problem with the Internet Explorer browser, check out Firefox as an alternative browser. This is the test browser for the robust Mozilla browser. Firefox allows you to try out the newest features before they are added to the Mozilla browser without any of the annoyances of IE.


The all around best program for making backups of programs and opening compressed files such as RAR, ZIP, and other file formats.


Even if you don’t own an iPod or plan on download music from their online music store, iTunes is a great content manager and player for your music. It’s the best free program I’ve found to keep my catalog managed and play music easily. My advice stay away from programs like Real Networks, Real Player. It’s bad news in a number of ways. Read my article on Real Networks to learn more.