Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Laptop security

Laptop theft is skyrocketing. Some crime statistics estimate a laptop is stolen every minute. In the time it took you to boot up your computer and read this message at least two laptops have been stolen. What can you do? Aside from chaining it to your wrist, or buying one of a million devices that seem to deter thieves as well as car alarms seem to, a new service called Computrace may just be the answer.

After signing up for their service, registering your computer and installing the proper software the Computrace system knows your laptop is safe through daily contact. If your notebook computer is stolen, report it to the police and then the Computrace service and they will work with local law enforcement to catch the thieves. Simply, your laptop will contact the Computrace system when it is plugged in to a network or phone line. Computrace even goes so far as to guarantee they will recover your laptop within 30 days or they’ll pay you up to $1000.

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