Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Laptop security

Laptop theft is skyrocketing. Some crime statistics estimate a laptop is stolen every minute. In the time it took you to boot up your computer and read this message at least two laptops have been stolen. What can you do? Aside from chaining it to your wrist, or buying one of a million devices that seem to deter thieves as well as car alarms seem to, a new service called Computrace may just be the answer.

After signing up for their service, registering your computer and installing the proper software the Computrace system knows your laptop is safe through daily contact. If your notebook computer is stolen, report it to the police and then the Computrace service and they will work with local law enforcement to catch the thieves. Simply, your laptop will contact the Computrace system when it is plugged in to a network or phone line. Computrace even goes so far as to guarantee they will recover your laptop within 30 days or they’ll pay you up to $1000.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Master Chief Owns November 9th.

Of course everyone in the electronics, technology, and entertainment fields know what today is….Halo 2 release day. Millions of fans have been anxiously awaiting its release since the roll out of the Xbox itself. Halo is in fact one of the chief reasons owners were persuaded to purchase an Xbox in the first place. Singularly, it is Microsoft’s most popular game for the console selling more than 4 million copies since its release. With the arrival of Halo 2, Xbox owners have something to be excited about again.

In all the stores I visited there was only one game on everyone’s mind. There were lines of people who were just getting off work or out of school and running out to pick up their copy of the game. At least all the ones who didn’t go to midnight release parties at some of the larger retailers.

Ignoring the media hype and the excited fans for a second, Halo 2 is a remarkably good game. Not because there is anything so radical and new, as to blow your socks off, but because it builds on everything that made the first a success. Adding improvements that fans asked for like online play, better weapons and vehicles Bungie (developers) has done an excellent job in balancing the needs for this successful game. Clearly, they have pushed the envelope of what this aging console can do paving the way for the next generation of consoles. Until now, few developers have really utilized all the power in an Xbox leaving critics to question the technical merits in coming out with a new system.

Due to some issues always inherit in releasing a game, not all retailers had reserved copies on hand for their customers. These were either issues with the shipping service they used or with Microsoft’s strict adherence to its hard street date of November 9th. As a whole though most retailers had plenty of copies of the game and in the larger markets I’d venture to say anyone who wanted could buy one.

In the coming days look for an in-depth review of Master Chief and his new efforts to save mankind from total annihilation.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Sunday Tech Ads November 7th

Comp USA

Liteon DVD +-R/RW Multiformat Recorder $249.99

Circuit City
Sony 19” LCD Monitor 1280X1024 res DVI $599.99 w/rebates

Good Guys
Pioneer Elite Receiver THX certified receiver $799.99 VSX52TX

Best Buy

6.1 Megapixel SLR Digital Camera w/ 18-70mm Zoom Nikkor Lens $1199.99 (D70)
Sony 60” WEGA Widescreen LCD Projection HDTV $4399.99
Panasonic 60” Widescreen LCD Projection HDTV $3699.99
LG 52” Widescreen DLP Projection HDTV $3299.99
Toshiba 30” Flat Tube HDTV Monitor $899.99

Panasonic 50” LCD HDTV monitor $2999.99

For online deals always check out

The big box retailer ads are starting to heat up again in preparation for the holiday buying season. More products listed but prices are not incredibly competitive. In the next two weeks all that should change. Watch for continued price drops in the big screen HDTV market.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Here we go again

As promised the J Marcus Publications set of columns will ramp up into full gear beginning November 8th, 2004. With the new editorial staff the columns will be able to focus on their individual topics and provide a timely dose of information and entertainment. We’ve brought on board some highly qualified and extremely talented individuals who will work tirelessly to bring you the best, if not a slightly irreverent look at Electronics, Games, Movies, Travel and much more. We appreciate all the support we’ve received from our supporters and look forward to an amazing new beginning, again.