Monday, September 06, 2004

Sunday Tech Ads September 5th

With the Labor Day weekend specials in the paper most deals end at the close of business on Monday. This being the case, it doesn't do anyone any good to post these deals. Some of them were good. I know of a couple that caused some of my friends to rush out and buy motherboards and video cards. Looking at how low the big box retailers went this week to grab the attention of the kids returning to school, it'll be interesting to see what the ads look like for next week.

Typically, shoppers have to wait a few weeks for the good deals to return to their lowest levels. The week after Labor Day their will be deals but generally they aren't as low as the sales of the previous week.

As always, keep an eye out for those deals, don't be a sucker and if you see something we'd be interested in, drop us a line so we can pass the savings on to everyone.

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